"IAPS is a professional learned association dedicated the development and advancement of protective structures research and its application promoting a safer future for society."

Prof. Mark Stewart
President of International Association of Protective Structures

IAPS news

2023 | 01 | 06

*** Opening message from Prof. Mark Stewart, the new president of IAPS! ***

Dear Friends and Colleagues,

The International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS) was formed in 2010 for the purpose of promoting research and development associated with Protective Structures in engineering, technology and scientific disciplines. Since 2010, the IAPS has grown to over 625 members worldwide, as well as its associated conference ICPS held every two years and the International Journal of Protective Structures. IAPS is a professional learned association dedicated the development and advancement of protective structures research and its application promoting a safer future for society. It aims to bring academia, industry practitioners, institutional policy makers, and other experts together, to foster collaboration, and to help ensure that protective structures will benefit government, industry and society.

Membership is free to those interested in joining our protective structures community, and the grade of Fellow of IAPS has recently been established to recognise people distinguished in the field of protective structures.

Prof. Mark Stewart
President of International Association of Protective Structures
University of Technology Sydney, Australia

2023 | 01 | 05

*** UPDATE: 6th International Conference on Protective Structures - May 2023! ***

The 6th International Conference on Protective Structures will be convened at Auburn University on May 14, 2023. More than 150 amazing presentations represented by 24 countries will be presented at ICPS6!

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
ICPS6 registration is open! Please click below to register.
ICPS6 Registration

Here are a few important notes:
• The abstract portal remains open but will firmly close at the end of January. Please contact me directly if there are any further challenges to submitting your abstract before 31 January.
• Proceedings papers are due on 1 February; the template and instructions are provided on the ICPS6 webpage. The abstracts and author listings submitted for presentation invitations can be revised for the proceedings paper.
• A FREE(!) shortcourse: "Blast Vulnerability Assessment - First step to economical protection!" will be presented by Stone Security Engineering, on Wednesday 17th May from 1pm to 5pm (directly after the conference adjourns). Additional details are at the bottom of this email and posted on the ICPS6 webpage. Please check the "Optional Workshop" box on the registration page if interested. Thanks Rodrigo and our Stone Security Engineering friends!
• PDH/CEU credit and certificates are available and a toggle provided on the registration webpage.
• AUHCC (conference hotel) reservation instructions and the link are posted on the ICPS6 webpage. GSA per diem rates are available for US federal government employees.
• Please contact me directly (Jim.Davidson@auburn.edu) if you require an invitation letter for visa application purposes.
• Presentations/authorship are not required for ICPS6 participation.

ICPS6 will be a great opportunity to learn about this important topic, meet new international colleagues, and accelerate collaborations with international colleagues. Please join us.
Feel free to contact us if you have any questions (icps6@auburn.edu).

James S. Davidson
Gottlieb Professor of Structural Engineering
Auburn University

Catherine S. Stephens
Director, International Research Office
U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center

2022 | 05 | 05

*** UPDATE: 6th International Conference on Protective Structures - May 2023! ***

Dear Friends and Colleagues,
I am happy to announce that ICPS6 is being resurrected for May 14th through 17th 2023. When Covid shut us down in March 2020, we had accepted more than 160 abstracts, from 25 countries, involving the most prominent agencies, institutions and companies involved in protective design and research from around the world. We anticipate an agenda and itinerary very similar to the 2020 plan, and will update the schedule, flyers, webpages, call for abstracts, etc., over the upcoming weeks.
I would like to ask three favors: (1) please forward this announcement to anyone that might be interested; (2) please reply if you are aware of any conflicts for the week of May 14th 2023 that should preclude ICPS6 from being scheduled for that week; and (3) please mark your calendar! Thank-you for your patience and your interest in ICPS6, and we hope to see everyone in May 2023. . . . Jim.


James S. Davidson
Gottlieb Professor of Structural Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Auburn University

2022 | 04 | 01

*** IAPS Twitter account ***

Dear IAPS Members, recently we have ran the official Twitter of The International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS), promoting research and development associated with protective structures. Please follow us and be active on Twitter @ProtectiveStruc to be up to date with research conducted by IAPS members. The account is managed by Hezi Y. Grisaro from Technion - Israel Institute of Technology and Sam Rigby from The University of Sheffield.

2020 | 06 | 10

*** IAPS Board Meeting ***

Recently, IAPS Board had few meetings discussing the difficult situation of association during the global pandemic COVID-19 lockdown. Nevertheless, some new fresh ideas appeared to enforce the cooperation of IAPS globally, but also the national Chapters. All of those ideas/activites would be presented in the IAPS Newsletter no. 6 comming with the end of June/beginning of July 2020.

Main aspects regards:
Creating the general rules of IAPS and delivering IAPS certificates of membership
IAPS membership confirmation by online form delivered to IAPS Members by IAPS Newsletter
Establishing the Norman Jones Lecture in the honour of Prof. Norman Jones (short biography and CV)

2020 | 05 | 08

*** IAPS Board Meeting ***

On 4th May, a remote meeting of the IAPS board was held. In connection with the situation regarding the development of the COVID-19 pandemic, the directions of development of the society and the IJPS magazine were discussed, as well as the ICPS conference. The decision to postpone ICPS6 to 2021 was held.

2020 | 03 | 18

*** 6th International Conference on Protective Structures ***

Dear Colleagues,

due to the COVID-19 developments we hope that you, your families, and friends are in good health and will remain so in those difficult weeks/months.

Unfortunately, the global situation forced the Organizers and the Steering Commitee of ICPS6 2020 to postpone the conference. At this point the new date suggested is May 2021, Auburn University will be the conference host.
The Organizers assure that full refunds are available to those that have already registered. Also, those that submitted abstracts and proceedings papers will be contacted about opportunities for the future ICPS6 and special editions of the IJPS and JDR&E.
For more information and questions please contact James S. Davidson (jim.davidson@auburn.edu)

IAPS Board

2019 | 09 | 18

2019 | 07 | 09

Promote research on IAPS Youtube channel

2019 | 06 | 04

Dear Colleagues: On behalf of the International Association of Protective Structures, Dr. Catie Stephens and Prof. James S. Davidson invite you to participate in the 6th International Conference on Protective Structures to be convened at Auburn University on May 10, 2020. This will be the first ICPS in this region of the world and represents a rare opportunity to interact and share with peers and researchers of other nations on this very important subject. Please see details below and add ICPS6 to your calendar. We will provide additional information as the agenda develops.

2018 | 08 | 31

Dear IAPS members and ICPS5 participants: Thank you very much for attending the conference and your activity in the field of protective structure engineering. In this email, we would like to summarize the ICPS5 and present to you some numbers and facts: 1) Number of ICPS5 participants = 138, 2) Given presentations = 111 (+8 cancelled), 3) Invited Keynotes = 6

2018 | 08 | 19

Last week we successfully finished a Two-day Short Course titled Blast Effect Analysis and Design. This workshop was organised together with Karagozian & Case Inc., USA and Poznan University of Technology, POL. Participants from 5 countries met and trained with the background of the blast-resistant design and analysis.


Subscribe to IAPS Newsletter.

Recent newsletters publised for the community of IAPS.

Newsletter no. 21, 2024/3

Newsletter no. 20, 2024/2

Newsletter no. 19, 2024/1

Newsletter no. 18, 2023/3

Newsletter no. 17, 2023/2

Newsletter no. 16, 2023/1

Newsletter no. 15, 2022/4

Newsletter no. 14, 2022/3

Newsletter no. 13, 2022/2

Newsletter no. 12, 2022/1

Newsletter no. 11, 2021/3

Newsletter no. 10, 2021/2

Newsletter no. 9, 2021/1

Newsletter no. 8, 2020/4

Newsletter no. 7, 2020/3

Newsletter no. 6, 2020/2

Newsletter no. 5, 2020/1

Newsletter no. 4, 2019/3

Newsletter no. 3, 2019/2

Newsletter no. 2, 2019/1

Newsletter no. 1, 2018/1


IAPS have the following four membership grades: Distinguished Fellow, Fellow, Member and Student Member.

Distinguished Fellow is the highest membership grade of the IAPS, given only to selected people who have made distinguished contributions to the field of protective structures and for services to the profession. During the board meeting, it was agreed that the IAPS founding President Norbert Gebbeken, and IAPS founding Deputy Presidents, i.e. Hong Hao and David Yankelevsky will be recognised as the first IAPS Distinguished Fellows.

Fellow will be conferred to individuals who have a demonstrated experience of not less than 10 years, and recognised as having achieved eminence in the field. All current board members will be made foundation Fellows of the IAPS. For selection and admission to the Fellow grade, a person will need the support of two current Fellows, with their application to be assessed and accepted by the board.

To nominate a Fellow please fill the following Application and Nomination Form for Fellow Member and send it to current IAPS President. Click HERE to download the form.

ICPS Partners

International universities in which the International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS) were held last years.

The University of Manchester
UK (ICPS1-2010)

Tianjin University
China (ICPS4-2016)

Universität der Bundeswehr München
Germany (ICPS2-2011)

Poznan University of Technology
Poland (ICPS5-2018)

Technology Innovation Institute
Abu Dhabi (ICPS7-2025)

The University of Newcastle
Australia (ICPS3-2015)

Auburn University
USA (ICPS6-2023)


It all started at the beginning of 2009. In early 2009 the idea of a new International Journal of Protective Structures was brought up by Professor Hong Hao as the journal founder and editor, and an editorial board was built up. In April 2009, Professor Hong Hao suggested planning acquaintance meeting of the new editorial board. Professor David Yankelevsky, proposed that the meeting will take place at the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa ISRAEL. He also suggested extending this event into an International Workshop on Structures Response to Impact and Blast (IWSRIB). The event was scheduled to take place on November 2009, and include presentations of all editorial board members and many more prominent participants. The idea was to gather the professional community in the field of protective structures to present papers on advances in research and discuss topics of common interest. It was also suggested that this workshop will also aim at establishing three complementary long term activities: 1) Launch the International Journal of Protective Structures (IJPS), 2) Establish an International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS) that will enhance collaborations and share of information, 3) Establish a series of periodical workshops and conferences on Protective Structures. These three complementary venues of the journal, the international association and the series of conferences were presented at the opening of IWSRIB as part of the goals of the workshop. It was hoped that these complementary activities will enhance cooperation and professional activity. With this concept, the workshop was organized at Technion and co-chaired by Prof. David Yankelevsky and Prof. Hong Hao. Later, on July 2009, a first leaflet presenting the journal (IJPS) and its editorial board, and inviting contributed papers and subscriptions, was released. IWSRIB was the most successful 3 days series of presentations and discussions. The above goals were presented at the opening address and were elaborated in more detail at its closure. During the workshop the new journal (IJPS) was presented, the idea of an International Association of Protective Structures was presented, and the intention of following periodical conferences and workshops was declared. During Sept.-Oct. 2009 first papers were submitted to the journal and following a review process, the Volume 1-Issue 1 of the International Journal of Protective structures appeared in March 2010. In the preface to this issue, the scope and aim of the journal were presented as well as its affiliation to the International Association of Protective Structures (IAPS): "The journal is the flagship publication of the International Association of Protective Structures". Following the success of IWSRIB, it was decided to plan the 2nd, and it was merged with the planned 3rd ADSEI conference into “The Joint ADSEI-IWSRIB Conference” to be held in September-October 2010 in Manchester UK with Professor Qingming Li as Chairman. This temporary name was later turned into the “The 1st International Conference on Protective Structures (ICPS1)”. Following IWSRIB, during 2010, the bylaws of IAPS were written. It was suggested that the founding team will lead IAPS with Professor Norbert Gebbeken as the first President, and both Prof. Hong Hao and Professor David Yankelevsky as Vice Presidents. IAPS board was later nominated. The formal presentation o IAPS organization and bylaws were presented during the first ICPS, and the leading team was approved. Following ICPS1, IAPS logo was prepared and its website was created. Nowadays, there are established the national IAPS chapters in ISRAEL and AUSTRALIA.

IAPS Board 2014-2018

Mr. John Crawford (Karagozian & Case, USA)
Prof. James Davidson (Auburn University, USA)
Prof. Qin Fang (PLA University of Technology, China)
Prof. Norbert Gebbeken (University of the Bundeswehr, Germany) | PRESIDENT
Prof. Hong Hao (Guangzhou University, China/Curtin University, Australia) | Vice PRESIDENT
Prof. Zhongxian Li (Tianjin Chengjian University, China)
Prof. Nobutaka Ishikawa (National Defence Academy, Japan)
Prof. Jeffrey Packer (University of Toronto, Canada)
Prof. Mark Stewart (University of Technology Sydney, Australia)
Prof. David Yankelevsky (TECHNION Haifa, Israel) | Vice PRESIDENT

IAPS Board 2018-2023

Prof. James Davidson (Auburn University, USA)
Prof. Qin Fang (Army Engineering University, China)
Prof. Norbert Gebbeken (University of the Bundeswehr, Germany)
Prof. Hong Hao (Guangzhou University, China/Curtin University, Australia) | PRESIDENT
Prof. Qingming Li (University of Manchester, UK)
Prof. Zhong-Xian Li (Tianjin University, China)
Prof. Jeffrey Packer (University of Toronto, Canada)
Prof. Piotr W. Sielicki (Poznan University of Techonology, Poland) | Vice PRESIDENT
Prof. Yoshimi Sonoda (Kyushu University, Japan)
Prof. Mark Stewart (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) | Vice PRESIDENT
Prof. David Yankelevsky (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)

IAPS Executive Committee 2018-2023

Idan E. Edri (TECHNION Haifa, Israel), Kazunori Fujikake (National Defence Academy, Japan), Tomasz Gajewski (Poznan University of Technology, Poland), Yifei Hao (Tianjin University, China), Michał Malendowski (Poznan University of Technology, Poland), Michael D. Netherton (University of Newcastle, Australia), Catherine S. Stephens (U.S. Army Engineer Research and Development Center, USA), Paul Warnstedt (University of the Bundeswehr, Germany), Mark Weaver (Karagozian & Case, USA)

IAPS Board 2023-2027

Prof. Masuhiro Beppu (National Defense Academy, Japan)
Prof. James Davidson (Auburn University, USA) | Vice PRESIDENT
Prof. Qin Fang (Army Engineering University, China)
Prof. Norbert Gebbeken (University of the Bundeswehr, Germany)
Prof. Hong Hao (Guangzhou University, China/Curtin University, Australia)
Prof. Qingming Li (University of Manchester, UK)
Prof. Zhong-Xian Li (Tianjin University, China)
Prof. Jeffrey Packer (University of Toronto, Canada)
Dr. Rafael Santiago (Technology Innovation Institute, UAE)
Prof. Piotr Sielicki (Poznan University of Technology, Poland) | Vice PRESIDENT
Prof. Mark Stewart (University of Technology Sydney, Australia) | PRESIDENT
Prof. David Yankelevsky (Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel)


International Association of Protective Structures

Registration form